3.34% interest rates?
Saturday Update for the Santa Clarita Valley Cities and the real estate therein. ?The Debt forgiveness act is still sitting on someone?s table or in a large pile of bills waiting to be approved with Congress. ?It?s floating around there somewhere, probably just underneath the ?fiscal cliff? stuff.
It is not the time to panic. ?While panic fits in some circumstances, now is not that time. ?We just had record low interest rates again ? 3.34% ? that is something that should cause relief to those buyers in the world that have lenders that are granting those rates.
Refinancing your Santa Clarita Home
We also just experienced a large influx of people wanting to come to us to re-finance. ?Remember folks, we are not lenders, we are Realtors, but we are excellent guides and will gladly help you with the re-finance process. ?Think of The Paris911 Team at REMAX of Santa Clarita as your ?Housing Bodyguards?. ?We will be your voice when you are a loss for words when dealing with a lender we refer you to. ?We will shake our fists when your arms are too tired from moving boxes filled to the brim with your stuff. ?We will hug you when you are sad ?Anyway, something like that. ?click here to have The Paris911 Team at REMAX find you a lender!!!
More Rain ? more faulty roof?s
Rain and some more Rain. ?It just started last night ? but it continues ?We are glad to have it and hope it sticks around just long enough to break through the sub standard roof?s on whichever homes our buyers are buying that have them
?This is a time of year that roofing contractors are a bit busier. ?It is also the time when more and more real estate buyers, that are within escrow on a home, find out the house they are buying has a leaky roof.
During the ?non rainy? part of the year, there is not an easy way for a real estate buyer to know if the roof on the home they are buying is substandard or not working. ?It could be that it had been leaking and a seller did some nominal patching and painting. ?It could be the roof is right at it?s ?breaking point?, and time has come for it to give out to rain ? but with the lack of rain, you won?t know until escrow closes.
Options ? It could truly be that the seller of the home you bought did not know either. ?If there is evidence of a cover up with regard to your roof leaking ? previously painted ? someone was in the attic and did some repairs ? or if while you are talking with the neighbors they were to say something like, ?Boy, It?s a wonder that roof didn?t give way sooner. ?Carl had was always working on it patching it here and there?? ?
If ?Carl? was the previous owner and if ?Carl? did not disclose that he had issues with the roof on the disclosures ? you have a pretty good case to go after him. ?But if you lack those types of ?smoking guns? you may well be on your own.
Plan B ? Home Warranty. ?Most cover roof ? it would be a wise decision to buy your home with a home warranty, even if that means paying out of your pocket to get one. ?Like all insurance, Home Warranty Companies would not be in business if they had to pay out for claims. ?You will see that Home Warranty Companies will do their best to refuse to fix what you have called about. ?However, if it is a True and Valid Claim, like you moved into your new home and had been there for two weeks, running the AC (air conditioner) every day, then all of a sudden on the 17th day of living in your new home the AC breaks down. ?That is a pretty solid claim, let the home warranty contractor know that.
On the other hand, if the previous seller had written in the disclosures that they prepared for you to review before you bought their home, something about the AC not working very well or that is works for a bit then shuts off, etc? ?You may not have a leg to stand on when it comes to the application of the Home Warranty in the repairing of your AC.
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